Tuesday, May 25, 2010
And The First Word Is...
On Monday, May 17th Makenna said her first word. Drum roll please..... It was DADA!!! She doesn't yet associate the word with Toby but that will come. It was the strangest thing because she had just been making ooh and ahh sounds and all of a sudden she came out with DADADADA. It took me almost a week to get it on video because she doesn't say it that often. But, I finally got it. Now to work on MAMA...hehe.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Bouncy, Bouncy, Bouncy
We think that Makenna understands two words now. She understands the word "bouncy" and the word "kitty". Every time we say "bouncy, bouncy, bouncy" she bounces up and down. Every time we say "kitty" she looks around for our cat. She also has figured out how to track the cat even when he goes behind something, she knows where to look to see him come back out from behind an object. We are wondering what her first word will be, right now it doesn't look like it will be the typical words "mama" or "dada". Possibly it will be "kitty" or "bouncy"...hehe. Here is a video of her bouncing.
Mother's Day
My very first Mother's Day. I can't believe it!! I spent the morning with Toby and Makenna and we went out to breakfast at IHOP along with what seemed like all of the other mom's in the Redlands area:-) Oh well...it was tasty food and while we waited everyone commented on how cute Makenna was. As a mom I love that, so I didn't mind the wait too much. I had set in my mind what I was going to order when I got there but now they have the calories listed on the menu. I don't know if I like that because it made me feel guilty getting what I wanted to and swayed my decision on what to eat. It is probably for the better, but it was still yummy food.
In the evening my sister's and I set up a surprise for my mom on Mother's Day. She was going to be returning from a weekend with her sister's family and was thinking that all of our family was going to celebrate Mother's Day on a different day. Since we now all have our husband's family, and in Alycia's case fiancé's family, to visit also my mom was graciously telling us that we could celebrate another day so that we didn't have to run all over the place. She was so surprised when she walked in to our house and everyone was there to celebrate Mother's Day with her. We made a special dinner and dessert for her. We had stuffed pork chops, rice, green beans, and for dessert we had Raspberry Napoleans. Thanks to Rebecca the dinner and dessert turned out great! If I was left to cook for everyone by myself who knows how dinner would have turned out. Basically I worked on making the boxed rice, green beans, and the instant pudding while Rebecca was in charge of making the pork chops and puff pastry (the difficult things). I was so excited too because it was the first time that I got to use my china dishes, tablecloth, and cloth napkins. I guess I didn't look too carefully at the napkins though because I had forgotten to take off the tags...hehe. It was fun to get everyone together just to hang out and talk because it is getting more and more difficult to have that time together.
In the evening my sister's and I set up a surprise for my mom on Mother's Day. She was going to be returning from a weekend with her sister's family and was thinking that all of our family was going to celebrate Mother's Day on a different day. Since we now all have our husband's family, and in Alycia's case fiancé's family, to visit also my mom was graciously telling us that we could celebrate another day so that we didn't have to run all over the place. She was so surprised when she walked in to our house and everyone was there to celebrate Mother's Day with her. We made a special dinner and dessert for her. We had stuffed pork chops, rice, green beans, and for dessert we had Raspberry Napoleans. Thanks to Rebecca the dinner and dessert turned out great! If I was left to cook for everyone by myself who knows how dinner would have turned out. Basically I worked on making the boxed rice, green beans, and the instant pudding while Rebecca was in charge of making the pork chops and puff pastry (the difficult things). I was so excited too because it was the first time that I got to use my china dishes, tablecloth, and cloth napkins. I guess I didn't look too carefully at the napkins though because I had forgotten to take off the tags...hehe. It was fun to get everyone together just to hang out and talk because it is getting more and more difficult to have that time together.
The Living Desert
On May 1st we decided to go the Living Desert out in Palm Desert. It was going to only be in the low to mid 80's so it was a perfect day, not too hot. The directions said that from our house it would take about an hour to get there but, let's just say that it took us two hours to get there. We took the scenic route right through downtown Palm Springs by accident because I got us lost:-) Oops!! After a few phone calls to our relatives to give us directions from our location in Palm Springs we finally made it to our destination. We walked around the gardens and saw the animals throughout the park. Makenna slept through most of it but it was nice to just get out and do something. Toby and I are used to going places frequently and so even if Makenna didn't really get much out of it, except a nice nap, we enjoyed ourselves and had fun just walking around.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
No More Toothless Grins
On April 21st Makenna got her first tooth and on May 1st her second tooth came in. I can't get any pictures of them because they are on the bottom and she likes to put her tongue in the way. Maybe once her top teeth come in we can get a picture, although I am not too anxious for those top teeth to come in.