We definitely needed a vacation and so I went online to look for some places that we could go that were close enough, not too expensive, and would be fun for all of us. Having already been down to San Diego and up the California coast with Makenna, we decided to look east. The place that I found was Phoenix, Arizona. Toby and I had been to Sedona a few years back before having kids and we decided that the 4.5 - 5 hour drive in the car was doable with the two kids. We also found an awesome deal for a one bedroom hotel in Scottsdale that had a full kitchen and laundry in the unit! The funny thing is that this place was almost as big as our first condo:-)
On our way there we decided to travel at nighttime hoping that the two kids would sleep. Well, at least one of the kids slept: Kyler. Makenna decided to stay awake the whole time, so she was pretty exhausted when we arrived at midnight to the hotel. And honestly, when we were in the car we had to enforce a quiet time rule after about 10 pm when we just needed a break from Makenna's constant talking; she was so excited to go on vacation!
This was such a fun museum for Makenna. She could not stop running from one place to the other just to check out what was fun in each location. It was difficult getting her to stay in one location long enough to enjoy that play area.
This was a fun museum with a lot more interactive areas than I would have expected in a museum like this.
*Day 3* - Sea Life Aquarium
This aquarium definitely didn't rival any of the hugely wonderful aquariums that we have in California, but never-the-less we were still impressed by the way in which they laid this aquarium out and how interactive everything was.
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Makenna and daddy posing for a picture in the jaws of a shark. |
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Throughout the aquarium they had small bubbles that the kids could climb into and feel like they were under water. Makenna enjoyed going in all of them to get a closer look at the fish. |
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Daddy and Makenna got to touch the starfish. Makenna actually did a good job and didn't freak out. Although, she only really wanted to touch it once and then she was done. |
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Kyler loved watching all of the sea animals too! |
At the end of the aquarium there was a fun play structure that Makenna got to run around in and then we were finished. It was time for lunch so it was convenient that the aquarium was located at the mall and so we just headed right on over to the food court and this is what Makenna saw that delayed lunch:
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A Courousel!! We gave in and let her go on the carousel before lunch so that we didn't have the constant asking throughout lunch. This mall is seriously smart putting the carousel right at the food court. I mean who wouldn't put their kid on the carousel knowing that they would have to suffer the wrath of a whining child for the entire meal otherwise. |
*Day 4* - Desert Botanical Gardens
So after checking the weather and seeing that it wasn't going to be as hot as it had been the previous days we decided to go to the botanical gardens. We LOVE gardens and we were really looking forward to going. Unfortunately, it was still so unbearably hot that we didn't stay very long before we had to head off to the car for some cool air. Who would have thought that the beginning of October could still reach high 90s?
Kyler and Daddy posing for a picture in one of the shady spots that we found to rest. |
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Beautiful butterflies in the butterfly garden. |
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Makenna searching for butterflies in the butterfly garden. |
If you ever plan to go to these gardens make sure it is a cool day because with the dirt and cement walkways it just radiates heat and there is a limited amount of shade. We really tried to stay longer but the kids were falling asleep because it was so hot and we were all just miserable. We promptly went back to the hotel and went swimming.
*Day 5* - Japanese Friendship Gardens...
With our failed attempt the day before at going to the botanical gardens we decided to try one other smaller garden since we really do love gardens so much. This was a lot better experience. There was lots of shade, a limited amount of cement, and lots of grass to help lessen the heat.
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We took the opportunity to get some cute sibling pictures of our two adorable kids. |
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And we fed the Koi Fish. What did we feed them you ask...why cheerios, what else (and yes we did purchase these at the check in desk). The fish were crazy for them too. They were swimming on top of each other to get to the cheerios. |
We had a great time at these gardens and wished that they were bigger so we could have spent more time. And their bathrooms were BEAUTIFUL! I know you all wanted to know that. We see the inside of lots of bathrooms now that Makenna is potty trained and this was by far the best public restroom I had ever seen. Toby said that they had actually won an award for it...hehe...I am not sure what the award was called or who on earth would bother rating public bathrooms, but apparently they do.
And the Arizona Science Center
Well, we knew that this was going to be our kind of hands-on museum when you first walk into the ginormous museum and you find a huge telescope that displays the image of your eye on the big screen.
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They had a huge outdoor corridor that had all things water. Although, I would say that you should make sure that you have good traction on your shoes in this area because we saw a few kids eat it on the slippery floor. Makenna had fun moving around all of the contraptions and experimenting with the water. |
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Then Toby and I tested out our communication skills by playing this game. One person makes a design with the shapes and then describes to the other how to recreate it. Well, it worked when Toby told me how to recreate his design but when I told him how to recreate the design that Makenna made, it didn't work so well...note the picture. The funny thing is that when we took our pre-marital classes through our church we had the same issue then too. So I am sure that our pre-marital mentors would be happy to see that even after 8 years of marriage that we still don't communicate effectively...hehe:-) |
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After our failed communication we decided that we would add bad parenting to our list for the day and we let Makenna lie down on the bed of nails. Yes, they were actually nails that slowly came up when you pressed the button. The poor child that was in front of us sat up during it and got pricked by the nails. But we had warned Makenna not to sit up and so she did a great job of lying still. And we were at the ready to lift her off immediately if she had freaked out and tried to sit up. |
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Then we went into another area of the museum that had a severe weather conditions area that rained water, blew wind, produced heat, and shook the ground for all of the different types of natural disasters. I thought it was pretty cool but Makenna did not. She didn't want to go back when daddy asked her to go with him the next time around. |
This museum is 4 levels tall so we made our way through all of the amazing exhibits and ended by relaxing on the fourth floor deck area and letting Kyler roll around and Makenna play on the fake grass. I think that Makenna needed to be a little older to enjoy this museum more, but I tell you, Toby and I had a blast!
*Day 6* - Pump It Up
Running out of places that weren't too far away, and the need to let Makenna exert some energy so she could take a good nap, we went to a bounce house place that was just around the corner from our hotel.
Daddy and Makenna boxing. |
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Makenna played in this area for a long time just throwing balls into the holes and then retrieving them again. |
Makenna was exhausted after so much bouncing and so was Toby:-) Kyler and I just hung out and watched because he was asleep most of the time that we were there. We attained our goal of a good nap and then when Makenna woke up we headed out again.
And the McCormick Stillman Railroad...
Ahh...finally, a day that was only in the high 80s. We took that opportunity to head to the McCormick Stillman Railroad park.
We went twice on the small railroad ride that went around the park. Makenna was excited to go on a train until we went through the dark tunnel and everyone was making loud, scary noises. It took some convincing to get to her to back on it the second time, but she enjoyed it more because she knew what to expect and nobody made loud noises the second time through. |
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And of course, who could pass up the carousel...again! |
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Sorry...I had to add this cut picture of our handsome little guy waiting so patiently for the train to come. |
And Dinner with Grandpa and Jean
We hadn't seen Toby's grandpa since before Makenna was born and we were excited that we got a chance to meet Jean and to see grandpa again. We had the most wonderful dinner and time to talk with the two of them. We wish that we could have stayed and talked longer but the kids needed to be put in bed. Hopefully we will be able to see the two of them again soon. The dinner and dessert was AMAZING!! I think that I ate way too much but it was worth it because it was so good.
*Day 7* - Wildlife World Zoo & Aquarium
We got checked out of our wonderful hotel room and of course had to make the most of our last day, so I planned for us to go to the Wildlife World Zoo & Aquarium since it was on our way back home and we had to do something to exhaust the kids enough to take a 5 hour nap on the drive home (I know...wishful thinking).
This zoo was a lot larger than I had anticipated after reading lots of reviews on the place. We got to get really close up to a lot of the animals, which was really nice and made it worth going. We started off on the aquarium side.
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Makenna loved watching the otters running around. |
After we saw the aquarium section we realized how big the zoo part was. The kids were starting to fade fast so unfortunately we had to head through this section pretty quickly. We made it to a few things before we were carrying both kids while they were sleeping. It is amazing how heavy they are when they are asleep.
At most aquariums and zoos it is hard to spot the animals. We didn't have trouble spotting this sleeping alligator. We were shocked when Makenna went right up to it, without any prompting and wanted to hold its hand. Hmm...she is scared of bearded dragons but gladly would go and hold an alligators hand. Now we know:-) |
But the main event was feeding the giraffes Do notice that I allowed Toby the opportunity while I gladly took pictures:-) I had to show the photos in progression for this one. For 50 cents you get a small handful of food and then you stick out your hand and the giraffes know what to do!
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The giraffe checking Toby's hand to make sure that he indeed did have food. |
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The giraffe sticking his tongue out and wrapping it entirely around Toby's hand to get every last bit of food. |
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Toby left with a grossed out look because of his giraffe slobber hand. |
For some reason Makenna didn't want to feed the giraffe herself. And Toby was so glad that we had wipes available to tide him over until he found a bathroom to thoroughly wash his hand. But seriously, what an
traumatizing awesome experience for 50 cents!!
Since the kids were already asleep we headed back to the car and on the long 5 hour trip home. Poor Kyler had a difficult time over the whole trip because he isn't used to being cooped up in the car and held so much, but Makenna and the rest of us had a lot of fun. The car ride back was difficult too because they both slept for a good 3 hours but then for an hour Kyler screamed until we finally got to a place to get out and stretch our legs and he calmed down enough to get back in the car and make it home before another meltdown.
Although the traveling by car was a little difficult with the two kiddos, we had a wonderful time and look forward to our next year's vacation.