We had to go home before the hospital because I did not think to put our hospital bags into the car prior to the appointment. Since it was about noon by this time, we stopped by Baker's so that Toby could get something to eat before we headed to the hospital (also thereby upholding the Parker family tradition: my grandfather stopped by for a hamburger on their way to the hospital to birth my mother).
When we arrived at the hospital, my mom and Jim had beat us there. We got checked in and to our room by 2:00pm. I spent the next few hours pacing up and down the hallways of the hospital with my mom, sisters, and Toby. We got a good workout that day.
I had gone in thinking that I would not get an epidural, but after several hours of labor I had had enough of the pain and trying to deal with it and gave in, and was so glad that I did. I am amazed that anyone can go through all of that pain without any pain medication. On November 24th, at 2:43am, Makenna Faith was born. She was 5 lbs. 10 oz. and 17 1/2 inches long. Here are a few photos after the birth.