Our first stop was to the "Children's Garden". It was the most fun place, and would have been even more fun had I known that it wasn't so much of a garden as it was a water area:-)
Makenna loved the little fountains that squirt water and laughed so hard when the drop hit her on the head.
Makenna loved splashing in the water and was so sad when we left the area; I am sure that she could have spent all day there.
Next time I will come prepared with a bathing suit and a change of clothes...hehe. After the children's garden we went to the conservatory where there were all kinds of tactile stations to learn more about seeds and plants. Then we were all ready for lunch so we went to the little cafe and ate our lunch there.
Next stop was to the "Japanese Garden" which we had never seen before. One of Makenna's favorite things to do was hold two people's hands and then when we said "1, 2, 3" she would pick up her feet and swing. The only problem was that she liked it so much that she kept wanting to do it and gave up all together putting her feet back down and decided she liked to just dangle.
We walked all over the gardens. And by "we" I mean that the four of us adults walked and Makenna preferred to be carried by her Great Grandma:-)
Makenna took a particular liking to the dirt (even though there was more grass than there was dirt) where she was so proud to show us the tree's seed that she found.
She also enjoyed scooting back and forth on the bench when we stopped to rest.
And then we let Makenna run off as much of her energy as she could in the open grass areas. Actually, Toby took Makenna to run around in the grass while I sat and relaxed for a few minutes on the covered sitting area.
We had a wonderful time with my grandparents!