examining the pumpkins and gourds,
petting the horses,
and climbing the hay structure.
We went on a weekday which was so nice and not crowded like it is on the weekends.
After the kids were thoroughly worn out we headed back to our house for dinner, talking, and playing. It was so fun to get together.
Next up was pumpkin carving. Since we weren't too fond of spending a fortune on a pumpkin patch pumpkin, call us cheap, we decided to wait until really last second, the day before Halloween, to go out and get our grocery store pumpkin for carving. We managed to find a decent one even though it was slim pickings. The problem was finding the gourds. So we decided to head back to the pumpkin patch again to get the perfect gourds for our pumpkin decorating. We got a great selection and got to take Makenna out to the actual pumpkin patch area for some photos.
Last year Makenna was gung-ho about scooping out the guts of the pumpkin but had reservations about it this year. She would reach in her hand and then pull it back out again.
She really didn't want the slimy stuff on her hands. Although she didn't want to scoop, she was a HUGE helper when it came to separating the seeds from the orange stringiness.
She was very meticulous about making sure that all of the orange was off of the seeds before placing them in the bowl of water.
After all of the scooping and carving here is our finished pumpkin jack-o-lantern.
It was supposed to be a Viking but looks like a muscle man too:-) Either way, it turned out awesome! Toby did a great job!
Finally, Halloween! We dressed Makenna up in her little flower costume and headed over to downtown Redlands where the businesses give out candy.
It was the perfect first Trick-or-Treating experience for Makenna because it wasn't a crazy amount of walking, there was little downtime in between for her to get restless, it started at 3:00pm, and she got to go with her best friend.
And what I mean by Makenna didn't have to walk very much I mean that she walked up to get the candy, because we made her, and then she walked back to daddy or grandma to be held until the next candy opportunity:-)
The two girls had a great time and we are looking forward to doing it again next year!!