We went in for our ultrasound at 19 weeks pregnant to get measurements on the baby and to find out if we were having a girl or boy. Well, as you can probably tell by the title, we are having a little boy! We are so excited to be able to experience having a little boy now too. Makenna got to go with us to the appointment and watch the "movie" of the baby in mommy's tummy. She did a great job being patient, which helped that daddy and the Kindle were there to help keep her occupied:-) So our now female dominated household will now be evened out. Now on to choosing a name, decorating a bedroom, and preparing for our sweet little boy to arrive sometime around June 8th. Here are a few pictures of our precious little boy; he was a bit camera shy and comfortable in his positioning so he didn't cooperate enough to get a really good 4-D picture of his face, just side profiles.
Side Profile- Face Picture |
(I am sure that he will thank us later for putting this one on the blog :-) |