Sunday, March 25, 2012
The Lord's Prayer
I am just so amazed at the memory of my little two year old. At Sunday School the kids had been learning the Lord's Prayer as their memory verse and recited their verse as a group in church on March 25th. Silly me, not thinking that Makenna could memorize the whole thing, even with a month and a half of practice, I decided that I would just attempt to teach her the first third of it. After a week of practicing with her she had that third pretty much memorized and so I practiced a little bit more and then more. And can you believe it?.After a month and a half she was able to memorize the whole Lord's Prayer!! I will have to say that I was probably more shocked than anyone because I wasn't anticipating that she could memorize something that long. Of course when she went up in front of church she just sat there, but I had predicted that, so I made sure that I got a video of it:-)