Never did Toby or I ever think in our adult life that we would willingly see one of the Alvin and the Chipmunks movies but there we were for our daughter's sake, poor planning, and nothing else remotely close to animated for us to see. We of course had to get popcorn for the first movie theater watching experience (which, by the way is where they totally make all their money:-) But, mommy and daddy ended up eating it all because Makenna proclaimed "No thank you, popcorn is too hard for Kenna".
Makenna stayed mesmerized the entire 84 minutes plus credits. She talked a little, but to my surprise she whispered when she did talk instead of her usual top of her lungs talking. We had come into the theaters after the movie was just starting so I didn't get a picture before so I had to take it afterwards. Since we were the last ones there one of the employees was waiting on us to get out though and my camera doesn't do too well in low light so I apologize for the quality of the picture but I had to get one for the memory.