On November 24th Makenna turned 3-years old. Now according to her, this is her second year of being three because she refused all last year to say that she was two years old and insisted that she was three. So, on her second third birthday we had asked her what kind of party she wanted and since we never have trouble with her knowing what she wants, she told us that she wanted a puzzle party. I was waiting for her to suddenly change her mind last minute but she didn't and stayed very excited about her puzzle party. Makenna is incredibly good at puzzles and we think that maybe we have a little engineer on our hands. She was completing 50-piece puzzles by herself before she turned three and a few weeks after her 3rd birthday she was doing 100 piece puzzles on her own. If you know me at all, you know that I am always excited to plan a party and this one gave me a fun and creative challenge as to how I would make this theme work. For some reason there just aren't very many puzzle party ideas for kids of this age on the internet:-)
(Here is a picture of her Birthday Party Invitation) |
Makenna's birthday fell on a Saturday this year so it was extra special that her party was on her exact birthday. Since cousins and friends are all a variety of ages we had 1 game, 1 center, a bounce house, the swingset, and lots of puzzles set up around the house to entertain all ages. As everyone arrived, we asked that they all sign the back of the puzzle that we had made for Makenna with her picture on it.
We hope that she will be able to enjoy this puzzle for a long time and remember her special 3rd birthday and all of the family and friends that were in attendance. Then the kids enjoyed drawing their own puzzles,
playing in the bounce house,
and playing on the swing set
while the adults had fun eating and getting a chance to talk.
Then it was time for our puzzle piece game. I had made a drawing on a large foam core board and then cut it into puzzle pieces. These puzzle pieces I "hid" around the house on the walls so the kids ran around the house searching for all of the puzzle pieces that revealed the next stage of our party...cupcakes!!
I had attempted to make a cupcake puzzle with a flower design on it but it really didn't turn out like it was supposed to. But the nice thing about cupcakes is that they taste good even if the design didn't turn out correctly. And Makenna really didn't care, all she wanted was for everyone to sing, for her to blow out her candle, and to eat.
Then it was time for opening up LOTS of gifts and she thoroughly enjoyed playing with them.
(All the kids were excited about her play campfire set) |
And daddy enjoyed playing too:-)
And a party isn't complete without party favors. We gave out puzzle shaped rice crispy treats to the adults and puzzle galore goody bags for each of the kids.
It seemed like everyone had a spectacular time and Makenna really enjoyed her party. She is still talking about her party to this day, so I know that she had a great time and that is what matters the most. We thank everyone for coming to share Makenna's special day with her. And I especially thank my mom and Rebecca who came early to help set up and my sister who didn't think I was crazy when I asked her to meticulously cut out puzzle piece shaped cheese for me (I loved them so much!!).
Happy Birthday to our precious little girl! She makes us so proud, says the funniest things, is a wonderful big sister, a sweet daughter, and we thank God so much for giving her to us.