Picture #1 (Stop to Smell the Flowers)
When we had gone to Walmart to get our cars' oil changes done, we were walking up and down all of the aisles to kill time. When we headed down one of the craft aisles this is what we saw:
Makenna was over smelling all of the flowers. She was convinced that all of the flowers smelled good too:-) It was the funniest thing ever, since the flowers were fake...hehe.
Picture #2 (And They Say Planking Is Difficult)
When Kyler was 5-months old he was trying to figure out what this whole moving around thing was about. He just couldn't get the hang of having to put his hands and feet on the floor but really wanted to move. Here is the pose that he usually did when he was trying to move:
He was quite proud of himself but would get frustrated that he wasn't moving like he wanted to:-) We jokingly said that he was just following the planking trend.