My brother-in-law (Toby's brother) and sister-in-law had an overnight Christmas work party so we got the privilege of watching their three wonderful children. Makenna always has such a great time playing with them when we get together for family events so this was extra special and exciting for her. And, not only were they coming over to play, but they got to spend the night too!! Makenna had never had anyone over for a slumber party. I have to say that four of the kids (Kyler excluded) played up on the third floor playroom for most of the time which was REALLY amazing as we are usually the ones having to entertain Makenna (she isn't one that plays well independently for very long). So, not only was it great for Makenna but it was a really nice break for us too:-) After playing upstairs all afternoon and into the early evening, we had dinner. Then all the kids curled up on the couch together and watched
The Polar Express movie.
At that point we lost one due to exhaustion (and it was only 7pm).
The kids were all getting tired so we set up the beds in Makenna's room (they all just barely fit in) and they all got ready for bed.
We did have to go in a few times and tell the two youngest to settle down and go to sleep, but that wasn't too bad. Mostly, our little Makenna has never had anyone sleep in the same room with her so she was WAY too excited to sleep. And honestly, she is used to singing at the top of her lungs for about 20-30 minutes before attempting to fall asleep on any other given night so it was out of her routine to have to be completely quiet right away. They did all officially fall asleep around 9:00 pm which wasn't bad at all. It was a lot of fun and we will have to do it again sometime.