On September 7th my mom and Jim were going camping at the Yucaipa Regional Park to try out their new trailer and we decided that we would join them for the day and try our hand at fishing. Toby and I both grew up fishing, but hadn't yet introduced the kiddos to it. I must admit, fishing isn't my favorite thing to do, although Toby enjoys it. Makenna had received a fishing pole (a pink princess one...what else would it be) and had been begging us to use it, so it was high time that we got out, made it happen, and let her choose whether or not she enjoyed fishing.
It took a few minutes once we got there to get all of the fishing poles set up. So the kids "patiently" waited in their chairs while the poles were being set.
Makenna loved the pink sparkle PowerBait that she got to use to fish with but wasn't too certain about the worms. She was beaming when she got to put the fishing pole in the water for the first time. Really she just loved having someone help her cast the line into the water and then real the fishing line in. So, needless to say, she didn't actually catch anything on her own fishing pole. It was either that or the fish thought that the pink sparkle bait was just not believable enough.
Makenna did get to help grandma and papa when they caught fish though.
Papa even had her touch the fish after he took the hook out and it flopped and made Makenna shriek. It was pretty funny. Although I think I would have had the same reaction:-)
Unfortunately the fish that we caught were not big enough so we had to throw them back. No fish dinner for us that night.
And what, do you ask, was Kyler doing the whole time while they were fishing?...well...
he was running up and down the hill,
trying to go swimming in the pond,
and sitting for a few minutes with daddy to "fish".
Fun first fishing experiences for Makenna and Kyler.