We went of course to our favorite farm -to-store area where the kids got to plant, pick, sell, and (the most fun part) shop for items. The kids had a fun time. Kyler was insistent on pushing the shopping cart even though he couldn't see over it. So I tried my best to advert the cart away from harming anyone else or knocking something over.
Next, we perused inside a few air conditioned buildings and when we were thoroughly cool we went outdoors to the princess and knights area. The girls were thrilled with dressing up in princess attire and so were the boys (dressing up in princess attire). They played in the little house there and then headed to the knights area. The boys wouldn't put on any of the knights gear, but they were very interested in picking up and swinging the swords, as were the girls (just not quite as enthusiastically as the boys).
We ate some lunch and opted not to eat the greasy food because of the extreme heat. Then, after much debate as to whether it was worth the cost, we finally let Makenna go on a few of the rides. We were so proud of her too that she went by herself on the little roller coaster there and had a blast. Unfortunately, Kyler was too short to go on any. At least he was young enough still to not really be bothered by sister getting to go on the rides and not him. I hope that he is tall enough next year though because I don't think that he will just sit and watch next time.
We are looking forward to going back again in 2014. We just hope it is not so hot so we can enjoy the fair a little more.