Sunday, April 25, 2010

Our Little Rollie Pollie

This is just a quick update to show you Makenna's new acquired talent on April 15th. She has been able to roll over from her stomach to her back since she was two months old. She has finally mastered rolling over from her back to her stomach. YAY!! Her arm used to get in the way but she finally figured out how to maneuver the arm so she can get over. Now you can't keep her on her back. Diaper changes are getting more tricky.

Makenna's Quilt

This quilt is a tradition. Here is the story behind it: My parents were part of a church group before my sisters and I were born. That church group slowly moved from being a young married couples group into being a young families group. When the group had a baby shower, the first child in the family always got all of the practical items that you need for a baby: clothes, diapers, towels, blankets, etc. After your first child, that family had most of the things that they needed for their second and/or third child, so they instead made a quilt block. The blocks were put together into a big quilt for the new baby. I, being the first born in my family, did not get a quilt, but I am not bitter at all...hehe. Well my best friend, Kristen, that came from that group, and who is the first born in her family too, decided that we needed to keep the tradition alive but also needed to make a quilt for the much neglected first child. So here is the beautiful quilt that Kristen and her mom Kathy worked on. Makenna is so lucky. A special thank you to Kristen and Kathy and all of the family and friends that made the quilt for Makenna so wonderful.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

God Save The Queen!

On April 10th we went to the Renaissance Fair in Irwindale, CA. It has been a tradition of ours over the past few years. We went with our friends Kristen and Daniel. The weather was perfect. Usually when we have gone it was in May and the weather was well into the 90's but this time it was around 70 degrees and beautiful. That really helped when I had to hike all the way back out to the car to feed Makenna half way through our trip. Needless to say we decided that when she needed to eat again that we were going to be going home. We did pretty well though, we went from about noon until 5:30pm with only one trip to the car to eat. Makenna loves to be out and always manages to sleep better when she has been somewhere besides home all day. Toby would love to dress up sometime in the future but we haven't done so yet. Huzzah!

Monday, April 5, 2010


We celebrated Easter with my (Shanelle's) family on Saturday with a wonderful dinner. We were lucky enough to get to have not only my immediate family but also two of my cousins and my grandparents there to celebrate also.

Then on Sunday we braved the early morning and made it to our church's sunrise service. We did think that it was a little wrong to wake up a sleeping baby at that time in the morning but she did really well all through church. After we went over to our pastor's house for fellowship and food. This is a picture of all the mommies from our church with their kids. I think that Makenna could be starting into teething. Do you see her trying to get one of the mom's fingers into her mouth in the group picture. And her dress is in her mouth in our family picture. Hehe!

We were all exhausted by the evening time but had a great two days of Easter celebration. Here are a few more pictures from Easter day.