Saturday, August 17, 2013

Another Trip To Our Favorite Gardens

On May 2nd we got the opportunity to go to the Huntington Library again.  And since everyone knows by now how much we LOVE it, we were of course excited to go.  This time we took our friend along with us and it made it even more special because it was her birthday!!

We of course headed straight for the children's garden and entered the magical land through the door of the "blue house" (nicknamed by Makenna).

We encountered a turtle riding princess.

And hand-in-hand made it through the enchanted tunnel.

Kyler found a leaf that he was quite enthralled by and enjoyed carrying it around everywhere.

We thought that he would never give up the leaf until he saw the play fountains and decided to give it up for a good cause: SPLASHING!!

I am pretty certain Kyler would have just went in head first if I hadn't been holding him.  Let me tell you, he threw such a fit when I took him away from the water.  He had such a blast!!

We went through the conservatory and saw the fish...

And we finished our day by walking through the Japanese Gardens and Australian Gardens.  Then we headed to BJs Pizza for a delicious birthday lunch.  Happy birthday to my wonderful friend!!  Thank you for joining us on our adventures.