Saturday, August 17, 2013

Disney On Ice Girls' Night

Our little girl is growing up so fast and it is so fun to watch her.  With a little brother that competes for attention, it was really nice to get to do something special with just her.  Daddy stayed home with a sleeping Kyler and Makenna and I headed out on May 8th to Ontario to see Disney On Ice.  Makenna, like any other little three year old girl, is fascinated by Disney princesses.  Her favorites are Cinderella and Aurora (aka Sleeping Beauty).  Makenna was SUPER excited when I told her that we were going to see princesses.  She had no idea what to expect because one, she had never been to a live performance like this before, and two, she has never seen or been ice skating before.  So, my attempts to prepare her didn't really help since she really had no prior knowledge to tap into:-)

When we got there there was a huge line with a lot of other little girls dressed in all kinds of princess dresses.  Makenna told me what each of them was dressed as while we waited patiently for our turn to show our tickets and enter the building. Then of course once we made it in we were bombarded with everything Disney.  Once we got through all of the craziness though, we got to our seats and we actually ended up getting terrific seats very close to the ice.  Since we arrived just after the doors opened, we were there pretty early and so we had to wait very patiently for the show to actually get started.  It was really nice though, because about 10 minutes before the show was scheduled to begin several performers came out and did a small comedy-type act that kept the kids entertained and laughing.

And then finally the show started and she was mesmerized.  I was so grateful that it was a kids performance and that she didn't have to be completely quiet because she liked to tell me everything that was happening during the whole performance.  But compared to the other kids she was very well behaved and a lot quieter than most of the others.  I was very proud of her:-)

We got out of there pretty late at night but had a marvelous time!  Since Makenna is getting older, Toby and I need to make a point to take her out alone and do big kid stuff with her.  And we both look forward to getting those opportunities with our wonderful little girl.