Toby and I had done the "Give A Day, Get A Day" volunteer program way back in January and each got a free ticket to Disneyland so off we went to get there by opening...thank goodness it didn't open until 9:00am. We had a bit of a rough car ride as Makenna was way too excited to take her usual nap in the car but instead graced us with her crying and whining. Since she hadn't taken her morning nap, I was expecting the day to be a difficult one, but thankfully it turned out well. My mom and my best friend, Kristen, came along with us and we had one of the best days ever.

Let's just say that the longest that we had to wait in line was 15-minutes and even when we got a fast pass for Indiana Jones they told us that we didn't need it because the line was so short:-) When does that ever happen? But anyways...I am getting ahead of myself...back to Makenna. So I am a big nerd and decided that I would send Makenna a Disney greeting where a Disney character calls your child. I knew that she would really not understand but it was something fun anyways. Well, the call ended up coming right as we were getting on the tram to go into Disneyland so we really couldn't hear it, but it was the thought that counts:-) When we got our tickets, Makenna was given a "1st Visit!" button that we ever so secretly had to sneak away from her because she loved that thing so much but we were worried about her poking herself with the pin on the back. Makenna is usually the most animated and over exaggerated kid that I know and we were really excited to see what she thought of Disneyland with all of the people, Christmas decorations, music, and excitement. Well she was shocked all right. She was just kinda expressionless all day; some of that was from the lack of sleep but I think most of it was from the over stimulation.
So the first ride that we went on was "It's A Small World" because there is a commercial on that plays that song and every time she hears it she stops what she is doing to go and listen and dance to the music. She enjoyed the boat ride but didn't really show any emotion while going on the ride.

After that we went over to Pirates of the Caribbean, the Haunted Mansion,

and the Jungle Cruise.

Makenna was getting sleepy, so luckily she fell asleep in her stroller which allowed the four adults to take turns watching her and going on Space Mountain. After we all had lunch and watched the Star Wars Training show, we went two at a time on Indiana Jones while Makenna went on Tarzan's Treehouse and then we switched adults and went to the Tiki Room. Makenna had the most fun in the Tiki Room. She absolutely loves music and loved watching all of the flowers and birds singing. Her particular favorites were the bird of paradise flowers.

We all met back up again and went over to the Winnie-The-Pooh ride, took turns going on Big Thunder Mountain, the Carousel, Pinocchio, Snow White, and Alice and Wonderland. I will have to say that Makenna was not too sure about the Carousel

and the rest of us were a little confused in the Snow White ride. The dwarfs were in the forest and you see the evil witch and then it says "And they lived happily ever after". We think that ride might have gotten cut short due to the new area to see the princess from "Tangled". And on any normal day that would have taken us all the way until closing to make it to that many rides but again we went on the best day ever so it was still only 3:00pm by then. So we went to the Buzz Lightyear ride where Kristen, Toby, and my mom scored big points and I couldn't hit anything:-)

Makenna was getting tired again and started to fall asleep so Kristen, Toby, and I went off to Autotopia while my mom and Makenna went looking for a stuffed animal to fall asleep with. Makenna decided that the little Donald Duck was the funniest one and the ironic thing is that the stuffed animal that I got when I went to Disneyland for the first time was also Donald Duck. Like mother, like daughter:-) Toby and I went to feed Makenna while my mom and Kristen went back to the Buzz Lightyear ride and then it was time for us to go home. Makenna had finally had enough of the excitement.

We had such a wonderful day and on the way home Makenna had no issue with falling asleep in the car. Our day couldn't have been more fun!!