On Chrismas day Makenna opened up her stocking gifts (my mom made her adorable stocking),
her Santa gift,
and a few other gifts from mommy and daddy.
Then it was off to my mom and Jim's house for our traditional Christmas breakfast and more gifts. Poor Makenna hadn't gotten her usual morning nap so she was having a difficult time staying awake to open up all of the gifts at their house. Makenna had such a fun time opening up stocking gifts at their house because she liked to go around to each of us and help us open our gifts and then just being silly and goofy so all attention was on her:-)
We decided that a nap was in store for Makenna and then off to my grandparent's house we went for a huge Christmas party. We got to visit with a lot of my family members that we don't get to see all of the time so it was great. We had a lot of fun.
Such a great Christmas!