On Thanksgiving we went over to Renee's house (Toby's older sister) in the early afternoon where all of her food was made from scratch; it was so yummy. Makenna got to see five of her cousins and have fun playing with cousin Zachary's toys. In the evening we headed over to my mom's house and we ate our second delicious meal over there. At the end of the night we put Makenna in her pajamas and she relaxed with Grandpa Secord on the couch. The funny thing is that this is exactly what she did last year on Thanksgiving too; only she was sleeping last year and not holding the remote control.
I am coming to the realization that it is very difficult to get any good pictures of a one year old because she moves too fast for the digital cameras. By the time it actually snaps the shot she is making a funny face or only half-way in the frame. So with thanks to my two very patient sisters, amazingly we did end up getting one good family picture.