I went online to see what type of special 1st birthday outfit ideas they had. I found the most adorable tutu outfits and decided to make her an outfit myself. It wasn't much work and she looked absolutely adorable in her tutu. We were worried that after the time that I had put into making the outfit that she wouldn't like the tutu but that wasn't the case at all, we had a hard time taking her out of it when we put her down for a nap; she loved that thing.

We had heard that most kids don't like their first birthday party because they are overly tired with their nap schedule being thrown off and that there are too many people and stimulation for them to handle. I am happy to say that Makenna LOVED her party. She loves people and didn't really know that they were all there for her but she had fun anyways. I was very impressed how well she did. She was a little hesitant when we gave her a cupcake as she has never had anything given to her in that large of a piece before. She needed a bit of coaxing but as soon as I turned away she stuffed that cupcake in her mouth and quite enjoyed it.
We had been practicing gift opening before her party and she got the hang of opening the bags with tissue paper and taking out the gift inside but she still didn't have the concept of pulling off wrapping paper from a gift.

She loved all of her gifts but she took a liking to one particular gift the most; a pink plastic chair from Kristen. After she opened up that gift she did not want to open anything else up because she had found her "precious". She was carrying it everywhere with her and then for the first time she decided to climb. Needless to say we can only get that chair out when we are ready to follow her around because she has no concept of falling as she will stand on the chair and then step off like nothing bad will happen:-)

The party turned out great! And best of all Makenna had a good time.