In late December/early January (5/6-months old), Kyler was beginning to get up onto his knees and rock. Which usually ended up in a face plant and the need for a snuggle because his arms just didn't do what he wanted them to. From there he figured out that he could get into a lounging position and didn't always have to be on his tummy or on his back.
By January 29th (7-months old) he was able to get into a seated position by himself. And as you can tell he was quite thrilled with himself. I must admit that I was quite happy too because it meant a more independent and happier child.
February 2nd he was crawling (the day before he turned 8-months)!! YAY!! Complete independence; not that he didn't still like to be held, but at least I could put him down a little and he was more content and less frustrated. When he got a little better at crawling he would even go "faster" by putting his head down...hehe.
Now he is busy cruising around the house and getting faster at the walking thing. It won't be long now until he will be keeping up with Makenna and Wyatt.