Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Snow Buddies

We were so fortunate this year to have two days of snow.  Usually we get one, but I guess the weather made up for not really having a good snow day last year.  We never get enough snow to be bothersome or need chains, but a nice enough amount to build a small snowman.  And lucky for us we had just purchased some gender neutral (ok, so it looks more boy than girl) snow clothes for Makenna that will be passed down to Kyler eventually too (hence the gender neutral-ish color).  Unfortunately we didn't have any snow clothes for Kyler, so we just dressed him back up in his bear outfit that he used at the Rose Parade and held on to him.

On February 8th, we had our first snow day and we had Wyatt over too.  The kids were all taking naps when it was beginning to snow, and since I know that it never sticks for very long I was on the lookout for the snow to stop.  They got about an  hour nap before I woke them up so they could play in the snow before it melted (I know...never wake a sleeping child, but it was for a good cause).  The kids didn't seem to mind that I woke them up and were quite happy to get to go in the snow.  We put on their snow clothes and waterproofed their hands and Wyatt's feet with plastic bags.  I was asked if I happened to be a hobo in a past life since I was so good at being "creative" with my waterproofing...but hey, it kept the kids' hands and feet dry:-)

The kids didn't quite know what to do with it at first and Makenna preferred to stay on the sidewalk rather than walk into the grass with lots of snow.  But hey, anything is an improvement from the last time when she cried because she didn't like the snow.

Wyatt however had a great time walking all through the snow on the grass.

And seeing that Wyatt was having a great time Makenna decided that she would venture out too.  They enjoyed trying to make snowballs (the snow was really wet so it was pretty difficult).  I tried to show them how to make snowmen, but all I could manage was a small one while holding Kyler in my arms.  And then Wyatt's daddy came by and he helped them build a much bigger and better snowman.

It was starting to rain so we decided it was time to go inside and get warmed back up.

The next day was Saturday and lucky for us it started to snow a little again.  This time I let Toby go out with Makenna and they built a wonderful snowman.  And we added a hat, scarf, button eyes, a carrot nose, a blade of grass mouth, and daddy sacrificed his gloves for the snowman to have hands.

Since Kyler had not been able to play with snow outside, since we didn't have a snow outfit for him, we brought some snow inside to see what he thought of it.  He dug right in as soon as it was placed in front of him.

And as any baby would do he tasted...


and tasted some more.

He thought it was pretty yummy but was a bit shocked by the cold:-)

I love where we live and I love that we get a little bit of snow each year!!  It was so much fun to play in the snow.