Excited that grandma was off of work the week after Christmas, we decided to get together and do something fun with the kids together. My mom had found this cute little children's museum in Temecula called Pennypickle's Workshop and I jumped at the idea of trying it out.
The idea of this museum is that Professor Pennypickle is an inventor and so you are entering into his workshop to find all of his special inventions. It was such a cute idea and so wonderfully decorated inside of this small children's museum. Makenna had fun going into the different rooms to discover new inventions, although she did get bored pretty quickly and just wanted to run to the next area instead of investing much time in one place. That could have been because some rooms didn't have as many things to do as we had anticipated, that some of the items were broken, or that she was just too excited.
She did enjoy climbing into the basket of the hot air balloon and pretending to steer.
Building a "house" out of blocks and then turning on the earthquake machine to see if her house would survive. I think she just really enjoyed seeing all of the blocks fall down. I think possibly this means she shouldn't be an architect:-)
The room that she had been wanting to see the most was the music room. She enjoyed sitting and singing her heart out while pushing on the keys of the grand piano. Unfortunately the keys to the piano didn't work much, but that didn't deter her performance.
But, the area that she liked the most was the basement because she could go in and out of the tunneled area and enjoyed the freedom of being able to escape by herself for a few seconds before popping back out to see us.
It would definitely be a nice place to go often if you lived close to the area, but to drive a while to get there isn't something we would do often. Not that we didn't have fun; we did. We finished off the day with a yummy lunch at Pat & Oscar's and the kids zonked out on the way home and my mom and I had time to just talk. Fun day!!