Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Car Ride!!

I just had to share this with you, a little late, but better than never:-) I have been asking Makenna lately to find a toy to bring with her when we go on “car rides”. She knows what this means now and so she diligently goes and chooses a toy. I sometimes have to hurry her along in her decision making or else we would never make it to our destination. Well she usually had been grabbing books and her beloved baby doll and bringing them in the car. But the other day this is what I turned around and saw her bringing into the car with her…

In case you can’t see it very clearly she decided to bring her tambourine and maracas. I guess I will need to start specifying what is an appropriate car toy and what is not…hehe. But at the time what could I do, I giggled, snapped a picture, and we got in the car with her wonderful noise making toys. Luckily after about 2 minutes the instruments fell out of her hands onto the floor.

Since that day she hasn’t tried to bring the noisy toys in the car again; I suppose they weren’t much fun when the fell to the floor. She has however tried to bring her doll stroller several times.