Monday, May 12, 2014

Yucaipa Regional Park Fishing

On September 7th my mom and Jim were going camping at the Yucaipa Regional Park to try out their new trailer and we decided that we would join them for the day and try our hand at fishing.  Toby and I both grew up fishing, but hadn't yet introduced the kiddos to it. I must admit, fishing isn't my favorite thing to do, although Toby enjoys it.  Makenna had received a fishing pole (a pink princess one...what else would it be) and had been begging us to use it, so it was high time that we got out, made it happen, and let her choose whether or not she enjoyed fishing.

It took a few minutes once we got there to get all of the fishing poles set up.  So the kids "patiently" waited in their chairs while the poles were being  set.

Makenna loved the pink sparkle PowerBait that she got to use to fish with but wasn't too certain about the worms.  She was beaming when she got to put the fishing pole in the water for the first time.  Really she just loved having someone help her cast the line into the water and then real the fishing line in.  So, needless to say, she didn't actually catch anything on her own fishing pole.  It was either that or the fish thought that the pink sparkle bait was just not believable enough.

Makenna did get to help grandma and papa when they caught fish though.

Papa even had her touch the fish after he took the hook out and it flopped and made Makenna shriek.  It was pretty funny.  Although I think I would have had the same reaction:-)

Unfortunately the fish that we caught were not big enough so we had to throw them back.  No fish dinner for us that night.

And what, do you ask, was Kyler doing the whole time while they were fishing?...well...

he was running up and down the hill,

trying to go swimming in the pond,

and sitting for a few minutes with daddy to "fish".

Fun first fishing experiences for Makenna and Kyler.

L.A. County Fair 2013

On August 31st we headed out to the L.A. County Fair.  We went along with some of our friends and my mom and Jim.  It was a VERY hot day so it made for an interesting time trying to hop from building to building with the occasional outdoor adventure when we were feeling brave.  We asked the girls which area they wanted to see first and they said that they wanted to see the mermaid exhibit first.  I think that the girls were a bit disappointed when we actually got there and they saw a mermaid statue and that was it.  On the bright side, they did get to see the shark tank area and go over to the touch tank in which Makenna decided against touching the animals and just watched them instead.

We went of course to our favorite farm -to-store area where the kids got to plant, pick, sell, and (the most fun part) shop for items.  The kids had a fun time.  Kyler was insistent on pushing the shopping cart even though he couldn't see over it.  So I tried my best to advert the cart away from harming anyone else or knocking something over.

Next, we perused inside a few air conditioned buildings and when we were thoroughly cool we went outdoors to the princess and knights area.  The girls were thrilled with dressing up in princess attire and so were the boys (dressing up in princess attire).  They played in the little house there and then headed to the knights area.  The boys wouldn't put on any of the knights gear, but they were very interested in picking up and swinging the swords, as were the girls (just not quite as enthusiastically as the boys).

We ate some lunch and opted not to eat the greasy food because of the extreme heat.  Then, after much debate as to whether it was worth the cost, we finally let Makenna go on a few of the rides.  We were so proud of her too that she went by herself on the little roller coaster there and had a blast.  Unfortunately, Kyler was too short to go on any.  At least he was young enough still to not really be bothered by sister getting to go on the rides and not him.  I hope that he is tall enough next year though because I don't think that he will just sit and watch next time.

We are looking forward to going back again in 2014.  We just hope it is not so hot so we can enjoy the fair a little more.

Summer Cuties

I don't really have much to say about these photos.  But I did want to share some of summer 2013 cuteness.

(Where is Kyler?)

(Kyler in the play tunnel)

(Loving Siblings)

(Book Time)

(Fun with Daddy)

(Silly Girl)

School Picnic and Eight Grade Graduation Banquet

For four years I taught first grade at a wonderful school out in Torrance, California and enjoyed all of the students, parents, and staff very much.  I miss them all tremendously but greatly enjoy the privilege of being able to stay at home with my own children while they are still young.  I usually try to go back at least once a year to see all of my students and visit with all of my friends there, but since having Kyler I hadn't been to see everyone in quite a while.  I received an invitation for the eighth grade graduation banquet for my first class of first grade students. It just seemed like yesterday that I was in teaching all of those students and I couldn't believe how fast the time has gone by.  Here is a picture of the beautiful quilt that they handmade for me with all of the pictures of my students at the end of my very first school year.

On June 9th I got the privilege of attending the eighth grade graduation banquet.  Toby stayed at home with the kids and I was quite anxious; I knew that Toby would do a terrific job and that they would have so much fun, but I had never been away from Kyler for that long or that great of distance before.  As it turned out of course the kids had so much fun, and it was a nice break for me too.  The banquet was wonderful and it was so great to get to see some of the students from my original first-grade class and to see the other staff members that I think about and pray for often.  The eighth graders all have to think of memories to share about each teacher, so it was really nice and personalized and made each of us feel important and special in the lives of the students.  It was a wonderful time and a joy to be invited to the event.

Then just a few days later, on June 13th, was the annual school picnic that I always try to attend.  Since Kyler was only a few days old during the last school picnic, it had been an entire year since I had been to one and it was so nice to get to show off my new "baby" (one-year-old), let Makenna play with all of the kids, and to catch up with everyone.  Makenna just took off with all of the kindergarten - 2nd grade kids and had a blast being their little friend.  There were several little girls that just swooped Makenna up and immediately started playing with her, pushing her on the swing, and basically catering to her every whim.  Needless to say Makenna was in HEAVEN!!  So I didn't see her for most of the time because she was busy with all of the little girls.

And Kyler hung out with me, although trying to talk and watch Kyler at a park is not always an easy thing to do.  He is so incredibly active, which is good, but just difficult to do more than just chase him around:-)  He did surprisingly sit down for a while when the sand toys were brought out and he sat and dug in the sand for probably 30 whole minutes, which in Kyler time is FOREVER!!  He was particularly fond of the little rake.  And then he found a football to play with too so he was a happy boy.  As it got later, since the kids didn't really get to take naps, Kyler decided that he would sit again and allow himself to be pushed in the swing but only if he was allowed to keep his beloved rake and football with him.

As we reached meltdown point for both of my kiddos it was time for all of the school kids and staff to get back to the school and for us to say our goodbyes and head on the long 2.5 hour drive home.  It was terrific to be able to see everyone again and I hope that we are again able to make it back to see everyone in 2014.