Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Love My Kitty

Makenna loves her kitty. The kitty hadn't had much to do with Makenna until now; I guess he has just resigned to the fact that Makenna isn't going anywhere and if he wants to watch the birds from his favorite spot then he will have to deal with her too. Well Makenna does pet him nicely for a time, hugs him,

walks the kitty while holding his tail like a leash, strangles him tries to pick him up,

and then finds him even when he tries to hide from her.

She even knows that he is a kitty and proudly says what sounds like "diddy" and points to him lovingly. Our cat puts up with a lot, but I secretly think he likes her...shhh...don't tell Makenna though:-)

Disclaimer: No kitties were hurt in the photographing of this blog.