Friday, April 1, 2011

Playtime with Cousin

We love having cousin Wyatt over during the day to play.  He is 10 months younger than Makenna and  whenever he comes over we pull out the baby toys that Makenna has outgrown.  It is so funny that when we pull out the old toys Makenna thinks that they are the best and most interesting toys in the whole world.  Here are a few pictures of Makenna being a "big" cousin and helping Wyatt to play correctly with the toys:-)

Testing out the play mat for safety.
Giving him a crash course on how to play.
                               Happy with his progress.

Teaching to properly chew play on the exer-saucer.
Shocked by the new way to play.
Pleased with his new talent.

Makenna happily kept the baby swing warm for Wyatt.

Makenna is having a fun time being a big cousin and loves when Wyatt comes over to play learn.