Monday, January 23, 2012

Horseback Riding

We had the wonderful opportunity to take Makenna over to a family friend's house to go horseback riding on their very sweet and well trained horse, Freckles. For weeks before we were trying to prepare Makenna for going on the horse, but there is only so much you can do to prepare a two year old for that:-) She was so excited to get to go riding and even was excited to wave hi to the horse from a distance. That is where her excitement took a bit of a turn as we walked closer to the horse you could see her face change from smiling to the look of shock.
I think it was a little bigger than she expected:-) She didn't want to pet Freckles and wasn't going to ride until mean mommy and daddy just decided to put her up there and let the horse start moving. Her initial response was fear and betrayal that we wouldn't listen to her constant "no, no" when asked if she wanted to ride the horse.

But, as soon as the horse started moving she even broke into a bit of a smile (this is her I don't want to smile, smile look).

She enjoyed it! The horse did some laps and then we stopped the horse to take a few pictures and that was a mistake. She decided at that point that she had had enough. So I guess at least we won't have to get a horse...phew:-) After that she enjoyed watching the kitty, watching Freckles eat some hay, and told Freckles good-night. We are so glad that Makenna was given that awesome opportunity.